2010 Disaster Calendar
For human beings, 2010 may be a year full of different kinds of terrible disasters. In his blog, FEWW make a detailed Disaster Calendar. He collected almost all kinds of disasters all over the world and arranged them by date.
The first part of this article is ‘What’s a disaster?’ In this part, the author shows not only the official definition of disaster from the UNISDR, but also the ‘FEWW definition’. Comparing with the official definition, the author uses more simple words to re-define the disaster and give readers a fresh look upon disaster.
The most interesting part of the article is the schedule of the disaster events by months. When clicking the hyperlinks for each month, the readers can see a list of disasters followed by brief description happened in that month. I have to admire the patience of the author.This article is so detailed that I believe it may cover all the terrible events this year.
The comprehensive content is not the only thing that interests me. Moreover, the whole arrangement of this blog is interesting. At first, the slogan of this blog is humorous.
Called Google as the Internet Mafia is very effective slogan to attract the readers to keep eyes on his blog.
No just the slogan, at the left side, the author continues this Google joke.
Observing this website, there is some interesting stuff around. Like in the left side, there is a calendar to show every day environmental issues. And in the right side, readers can input their email address to follow the recent update. Plus the plenty links to the related environmental issues, so the readers can follow an issue from diverse angles.
Detailed content, humorous style plus useful design, it is reasonable that this website can get so many comments.